Originally Posted by Robert_White
Originally Posted by mrfudd
Not Arabs, but they are Islamists

Mr fudd,

The Kurds had a defacto homeland in Iraq after the American invasion.
Why didn't they consolidate there and leave the Turks alone?

The Kurds have been fighting Turks and Iraqis for probably longer than the national borders have existed. They would love to have the territory in northern Iraq, but that was never going to happen- too much oil in that area. The vested interests are not going to allow a new player in the game. They are screwed in either case- they will be landlocked and surrounded by enemies if they ever get a homeland. They are somewhat similar to the “Palestinians”- they are clannish Islamists who are despised by all of the other Islamists and only offered sympathy when it helps their agenda.

Who is John Galt?