Rant mode: ON!

My wife just got a statement from UHC after having a prescription filled. The statement lists the transaction under 104 different claim numbers, and they say we owe somebody $7000. The wife is turning green and swelling up to about nine feet in height. I kinda feel sorry for anyone who has to talk to her when she gets on the horn Monday morning.

Don't you just love it when someone you basically HAVE to do business with screws up, and you get to spend hours on end on the phone, getting passed from one incompetent jerk who can do nothing about it to the next incompetent jerk? I know that hasn't happened yet, but I am pretty damned sure that's exactly how it will go. Been there, done that, got the teeshirt.

What gets me is that when I do something stupid, I get to deal with the fallout and make it right. The wife can say the same thing...but in this case, I am pretty damned sure that NO ONE at UHC will be held to account. It's just "oooops." We should be allowed to place the responsible party in stocks for one hour and pelt him or her with rotten vegetables.

Don't be the darkness.

America will perish while those who should be standing guard are satisfying their lusts.