Originally Posted by BC30cal
Originally Posted by Nebraska
Originally Posted by ftbt
Originally Posted by plainsman456
When will the results be known?

Asking for a friend. whistle

CBC is projecting it for Mr. Black Face.

Of course they are!! Good thing they had no foreign influence on their election. Well, I guess there was Obama publicly weighing in but we all know that doesn't count because it's OBAMA and he's a demoncrat!

Good evening to you sir, I hope all is well in your part of the world tonight too.

Indeed this seemed to be a bit of a full court press of non Canucks this time around, between your former president to the likes of Ms. Thunberg campaigning non-stop. And yes, I do believe what she was doing was campaigning.

Anyway as we are a resilient bunch for the most part - so far - we'll likely survive one way or the other - but if we're going to be subjected to another 4 years of Mr. Dressup I don't view it as a positive for Canadians overall.

As with everything, time alone will be the judge and will tell, won't it?
Thanks for the interest in your neighbors on the north side of the medicine line tonight folks.

All the best to you all in your remaining hunts.


Good evening to you Mr. D Wayne and allow me to encourage your continued example of civil correspondence. Your cordial attitude and calm persona to any and all have not escaped my humble review and I'm sure, that of many others. Thank you sir for the example you set in each and every post and/or reply with which you entertain we, the unwashed. May you be blessed continually with the same cordiality you have bestowed to those within your realm of influence. But to the point; I will continue to pray God's blessing on the efforts of the righteous Canadians in pursuit of free will, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of action and your God given right to defend these other freedoms by any means required. May freedom ring more freely in your nation as we to the south struggle to to maintain and further our own God given and Constitutionally guaranteed personal rights. Good evening to you sir. MC

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."