Originally Posted by szihn
Democrat = Communist. It ALWAYS has been. The Dems were all about quoting Karl Marx way back when Marx was still alive.

The writings of the leadership of the communist movement states in black and white that the "useful idiots" are the large majority of voters in the democrat party, but the fact that are so ignorant of the history and operations of the communists doesn't in any way mean they are not communist themselves.
The ones that are simply ignorant can be show the truth and they largely abandon the Dem/Comm party
The super stupid ones are the ones that will be shown the historical facts and say "oh no...........that's not really true. It's not that all dems are communist. I'm Not" Those are the ones Satan loves the most. Some post occasionally on this forum.

Stupidity is not the lack of truth. That's just ignorance. All men are ignorant, but just on differing subjects.
Stupidity is the refusal of truth not the lack of truth. .

Democrats are not offering Communism. They are demanding it.

Even before the demoncraps were aware of communism, they were radical racists, giving rise to slavery for both blacks and Indians, neither of which were seen as human beings to them. And some were Presidents, starting with Andrew Jackson. What they did 200 years ago created the beginning of what we have today, related to race.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.