Originally Posted by SpritWalker
Just make sure each rifle is in it's own case with the right ammo..

Don't wanna be 70" up a tree ( at sun rise) in the middle of a hard wood swamp with your .308 and realize that you only have 280 Ackley rounds in your vest - just saying...

Kinda makes that 1.5 hour sneak into your stand - well - a waste of time....

But I did in enjoy the sun rise and the good laugh...

[Warning: Partial Hijack by the OP no less!]

That's a good point. For this reason, I find MTM Products to be a good friend. They are HQ'd right up the road from me. In Dayton Ohio, and they make all their stuff here in the US.

All my hunting rounds are in either 50 round MTM boxes or 20 round MTM slip cases and they're all color coded and labeled. The label includes which rifle they're for. When I go to hunt I use the 9 round MTM ammo wallets. I have several of these, and I color code them with stripes of electrical tape. I'm usually only using 2 actively at a time. Before I go out, I open the wallet and make sure the ammo matches the rifle.

So far, in almost 40 years, I've only had one slip-up. About 5 years ago, I got into the blind and found I'd forgotten my ammo back at the house. I walked the half-mile back, found the proper box and returned only to find that I'd put the original box on the sill of the blind as I'd been changing into my outer layer.

All the boxes-- my sons and mine all go down to deer camp a week or two before season. That's why I'm fretting about rifle choices. I have until Friday AM to make my final cut on rifles. The season starts 11/9.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer