Originally Posted by hatari
Pelosi says House will vote this week on resolution formalizing impeachment inquiry

Means nothing. Formal "inquiry" vs. that informal thing they have now. This is simply a way to string the news cycle along trying to keep this in the news. Let's see if they have some "delay" taht keeps them taking about "formal inquiry vote" until after the Christmas break.

Rule 7 - "Any tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag" - Saul Alinsky.

They are in danger of running afoul of their own playbook.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to pack 50,000 into arenas and kills ISIS Caliphate Leader.

Official vote won't happen unless one thing is true. The opening of an official inquiry by vote gives the house the ability to enforce subpeonas. Right now the "subpeonas" they are issuing are just formal request letters and have no power in the judicial system. Right now if Schiff wanted to force someone to show up and testify, he has no standing in court to force a witness to show up and testify or risk being held in contempt of congress. Once the house votes to formally initiate an impeachment inquiry it gives them the legal authority to enforce subpeonas via the judicial system (i.e. they can issue subpeonas and the person receiving them can be legally forced to show up and testify).

The timing of the vote to open a formal investigation may likely coincide with inspector general report details being released. Remember the larger picture of all the politics in play at any moment in DC. What is happening re: impeachment may be tied to this other thing over here - investigating the investigators.

That or Nancy knows she doesn't have the votes from the D's who won in Trump districts and she wants to get it over with. But I think she's smart enough to know that the big gun of opening the official inquiry is an ace up her sleeve she will need for later I think she knows D control of the house is toast in 2020 and she's going to do everything she can to bring down Trump. 1/3 of the country is on board with "impeachment" (no one talks about removal from office) so let's make it a big show!!

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
