All through archery I kept seeing coyotes cruising by, but they were either to far or passed through my shooting lanes too quickly. When Muzzleloader season opened I thought here we go. Never saw a one, but kept hearing them howling before daybreak. Today I was watching a nervous doe cross our field and she kept looking back. I figured either a buck was harassing her or the road hunters were at it again. Then here comes this coyote ripping across the field towards our house. I flew upstairs and grabbed the triple-duece. By the time I hit the deck outside he was standing at about 175 yds but looking my way since I flung open the door. I flipped him over and he spun in circles with the shot, then went down.

My wife raises Giant Schnauzer show dogs and is always worried about them, so she was very happy. I’m know there is more about, but step 1 in instilling some fear of our immediate area is done. Fur is in the freezer, need to order more latex gloves and tail stripper!

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Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's