PaulBarnard: I am grateful I live in low tax, Hunters Mecca, traditional valued peoples paradise of Montana!
I even took a load of Deer bones to our county landfill and dumped them there - FOR FREE today!
I am grateful for all the wildlife (fish, fowl, Varmints and Big game!) that surround my home.
I am grateful that those sons of bitches from the "social security administration" have quit calling me twice a day saying I am being criminally investigated by them!
I am grateful that there is still 12 days left in Montana's Elk season and still time for some tracking snow to fall.
I am grateful that Donald J. Trump is President of the United States of America and the power mad, greedy, criminal, bull dagger bitch known as "the hildabeast" IS NOT!
I am also grateful for my new artificial knee and my rather good physical and mental health.
I am especially grateful also for the VarmintWife, VarmintChildren and VarmintGrandchildren.
I am also grateful that the VarmintMobile (one owner 1996 Dodge Cummins 4x4 extended cab stick shift getting 22+ m.p.g.) is still running like a top (trouble free) with only 120,000 miles on it.
Hold into the wind