Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by Morewood
I agree. Or Jim Jordan.

I like both guys. however will they fit the political climate we will have in 2024? Here's what I'm talking about.

If the Dems are smart (no guarantee they are), they will abandoned the overt Far Left talk and find a candidate much like Bill Clinton who will talk jobs and economy and throw in a little Obama "everybody loves me" with it.

Bill Clinton pretended he was moderate to conservative

"Guys, I hunt, I ain't grabbing no guns. I want jobs and strong economy. I'm willing to let this Reaganomics thing roll. Y'all need to vote for me 'cuz this GHW Bush dude ain't a good leader".
Obama used the same theme but capitalized on GWB unpopularity by insinuating "Vote for me and the World will love America once again and eveybody will feel good."

If the Dems find a similar character (again, no guarantees) that will campaign on keeping the Trump ecoonomy and getting rid of the political fighting, the middle will flock to him/her. The mushy middle 20% of swing voters don't like the acrimony and political fighting. They are pussies and that's why they are Moderates. They feel uncomfortable defending a tough position. They like it when everybody gets along. That's the college educated White Women in a nut shell. They want everybody to "play nice and don't be mean". If the Dems hire me, I could put them back in the White House with just that formula. (Don't worry, they won't hire me).

You need to acknowledge that the American voter changes the party in the WH every 8 years unless the economy stinks, then they do it in 4. With that knowledge, it is going to be tough getting another overt Conservative elected for the Right.

I think the GOP will need to take the same tact. Find some one who will say "I'll keep the Trump economy going, but I can work witht eh Dems got "meaningful immigration reform", keep a strong military, help the poor, the gays, the homeless etc. I can work with China. I will make better progress with Xi in China and Kim in NK because I'm not so confrontational. In other works, I'll keep the Trump policies, but I'll just be a whole lot "nicer" about it.

Of course, the hard core Right will sc-hitt brinks 'cuz they next dude not "talking" conservative enough. He'll be called a RINO, traitor, another Democrat but in reality it's all about getting elected. Clinton and Obama ran as moderates. They did as they pleased once elected. No reason the GOP can't do the same. How about 16 years of the GOP appointing federal judges? Would you go for that? Have 7-2 on the SCOTUS? What would you do for that?

It seems to me that the entire perspective of "Conservative Inc." will die with the boomer generation. The young people on the right aren't going to be impressed with a GOP candidate that promises to get along with the left. The young people on the right want nationalism.

Trump got elected because he ran as a nationalist. He still draws crowds because his rhetoric is nationalist.

Any GOP candidate who wants to impress the young people on the right will be right of Trump.

He won't be Jeb!.