Like others here in their 70's, I had to change my elk hunting habits several years ago. All of my old time hunting partners have either died or stopped hunting altogether. The younger ones I introduced the sport to, have to budget their trips because of how expensive it has gotten for those of us out of staters. They have families at home and can only go every three or four years. I am fortunate in that I met a local that allows me to camp on her land and then makes sure I get back to camp each evening. She also has horses and will have some of her hands pack them out for me. That has extended my hunting a few years anyway. Even with help from friends, I still make sure I hunt within two miles of the camp. I hunt during the third season, and many years the snow is high and tough walking. So being close to camp is my new friend. With the new Colorado time frames for the third hunting season, I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to hunt the third. Especially in two years when it starts on November 13th. (Traditionally, fourth season) So for now, I'll continue to go up and enjoy the beauty of the high country of Colorado. I'll just do it closer to camp than the past.