Here's one more thing about using your phone that I hadn't seen mentioned. It's not specific to your phone. You get the account online. Download the app to your phone and sign in to download the maps. Since your account is online, it doesn't matter what phone you use. Once you go offline with it, it can be on any number of different phones at once. We have a tablet that's very useful for trail riding since it can show a much larger area and trail system than a small phone can. We put the app on it and downloaded a 100 mile wide map. The big map doesn't have the resolution of a 5 or 10 mile map but it's more than enough for trail riding. We have 100s of miles of atv trails here and it really helps to both find them and to keep track of where we are.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.