Originally Posted by Pappy348
Saw a couple of stories today about the big climate powwow in Spain.

First, I'm glad Little Greta made it there in her rowboat. Now she's made it clear that this is about more than just the weather, it's all the usual Lefty checklist on Imperialism, Colonialism, etc etc blah blah blah. The picture of her on
Breitbart is a hoot, like she's giving the whole world the stinkeye to show us how serious she is.😱 I'll be glad when she reaches adulthood so we can speak freely about the little Princess of the Left and her sillyness.

The second thing that stood out is they're now demanding that the UN set up a tax for the developed world (you know the nice folks that make stuff for all the schithole countries because they are too busy chopping each other to pieces and spreading diseases around to make their own stuff), that will compensate them for all the hurricanes, earthquakes, tidal waves, blizzards, etc caused by Climate Whoopsies that are, after all, our fault. Since Trump picked up our marbles and went home from the Paris Accords, there's clearly not going to be enough chips in the kitty to pay off all the petty dictators around the world, so they have come up with another way to do that. Nothing was said about how they plan to get the two top polluters, China and India, to kick in, just like they don't actually have to do anything about their filth, just smile and sign the pretty paper from France.

Doesn't bother me if you want to denigrate the stupid little weirdo...not going to bother me if someone takes offence at her antics and gives her a good swift boot up the arse either.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.