Originally Posted by Jim_Knight
Outstanding! Someone had trained this lady right! Jessica Lynch was trained to drive a truck, look what happened to her! My own daughter was sent to Afghanistan for 30 days. Her Utah Air Natl Guard were the only full time "spooks" at that time ( 2004) they flew around listening in/locating bad guys all over SouthCom. My daughter was a Spanish Linguist but a Sgt in the ground crew, so she had to go. I was "miffed" when I found out the reason...the regular AF couldn't find the bad guys in Pakistan mnts. Before she deployed, I took her to the range to go over and "refresh" her small arms handling. Turns out that as an AF trainee in SanAntone, she had "zero" work with any handgun and fired "20 rds" of M16! She knew nothing about clearing stoppages, etc. I spent three hours with her and off she went. I prayed a lot. Thankfully, she stayed behind the wire while a Pashtu linguist went with the air crew. They found then often and the 10th Mountain went in and lit them up. Rumsfeld wanted to keep them indefinitely, but I assured her the AF General wouldn't stand for the Air "Guard" to beat his lazy guys, so he built a fire under them, and they started doing their job. She got rocketed, mortared and had "so called friendly" Afghans walk into their quarters all the time. Luckily, she had an M16 with her the whole time. Admittedly, I'm Old School, don't like women in combat, but if they are going to be there, my God, give them some training!!


And thank for raising a kick-ass NCO.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe