Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by wabigoon
James, do you need extra heat to keep it from freezing?

We put in a Mirrofount that was claimed to not need a heater. We put in a submersible heater, then changed it out completely.

Richard, these are supposed to be freeze proof. They better be, because they're not close to electricity for any kind of heater. Now, the freeze proof claim is based upon the cattle using them, and keeping the water flowing. One of these tanks is in a pasture that will not be used this winter, so I'm a little concerned about it. Thought about draining it, but then have been told not to, as that's what helps to keep it from freezing. I've even explored the possibility of putting in a solar powered light bulb, down underneath the tank where the water line is, hoping it would put out just a little bit of heat.

But, so far I haven't seen anything that I thought would work, so hopefully with global warming being the new norm, it won't get that cold. Typically, we have a low temp in most winters down around zero. Coldest I ever saw here was -22. If it gets that cold, there might be a problem. Time will tell.

We have a bunch of the Mirafount's version of those freeze proof waterers. Our "heat" tubes are usually 6-8' deep, but when it gets below -10 for a few days in a row. The slobber can build up and cause the valve to freeze at the top. Usually dumping a 5 gallon bucket of hot water in will thaw them in a few minutes.

The last 4 or five we've installed all have curb stop with a drain back hole. So we can shut them off and drain them out when not in use.
