Mountain Tactical Institute offers sport-specific training programs. They are fairly reasonably priced and testimonials are sound. I'd bet some here have tried their products.

I'm looking for something beyond the standard strength-cardio training I've been doing for 20+ years. I've been experimenting over the past 2-3 years with various training methods/concepts/programs. I've seen improvements in my functional strength as applied to mountain hunting but at 56 things are harder than they were in my 30s and 40s. This year, I was pretty worn down by Day 3. Covering 3+ miles to my hunting spot in shin to knee deep snow up 1500 vertical feet was tough. I left on Day 4 because I didn't think I could get an elk out by myself under those conditions in the time I had left. I hated that feeling and conclusion - and plan to work on it over the next 10 months.

Any other ideas welcome.


Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.