Originally Posted by hatari
I watched her speech. Not a whole lot of conviction there. Pelosi just gave 2020 to Trump. The GOP voter turnout and back lash will cost her the House. She is praying that her poll numbers showing the Dems holding the House are correct, but she has too many rookies in Trump Districts that will have to support this impeachment stuff. Trump is going to roll into those states and those districts and hold rallies and turn out at those will be bigger than ever.

Pelosi must call the vote or lose her Speakership. By calling for a vote, she condemns the Dems to lose the house and re-elects Trump which loses her Speakership. She allowed this to happen and I have no sympathy.

Pelosi just energized the Trump base far more than Trump could do himself.

Pelosi also just turned off quite a number of Independents. Independents are not clamoring for Trump to be impeached. They feel that if the country doesn't want him, he'll be voted out in 11 months. The wackos in her party backed her into this corner. Mueller did;t work out, and Schiff's Show didn't galvanize the country against Trump. This is triple down. This is "all in" poker with a pair of twos. Trump has a full house.Pelosi knows this is going NOWHERE in the Senate. As a matter of fact, with a united GOP in the Senate (for once) it could be very interesting to see who they call for witnesses (SCHIFF)? And what comes out of that (Perjury? Collusion?)

There is one point of satisfaction the Dems will get out of this even after they have a disaster next November. They will get revenge for the impeachment of bill Clinton. Even though Clinton did commit an indisputable crime (perjury), the Dems have wanted revenge. Well, now they will get it and it will cost them.

Pelosi will get the vote, the Senate will have Christmas break to formulate the strategy, and we will have a short trial and an acquittal. The only question is do they do the depositions privately, like most of the Clinton trial was, or publicly?

Brings into play Democratic Senators. Which ones up for re-election dare vote to remove a sitting President over a phone call? The Dems have gone full whacko mode. This will be a pleasure to watch that Party self destruct and then fall into an internal civil war to see who gains control of the Party - the North East and the classic West Coast liberals or the Far Left socialist/Progressives?

Nailed it.

The Trump Juggernaut, steam rolling train is about to leave the station. It will show up in EVERY House race where there's a Dem in an R district.

All this just energizes Trump, like waving a red flag in front of an enraged bull...

Could get interesting.