AA 2520 for the M4, Alliant Bullseye for the 9mm, nothing else is needed. Shotguns are just toys. AR's in 223 have done very well at the 1000 yd matches, guys In reality, 1/4 mile of reach is all you need, If you have a sound suppressor, night vision and know what to do, you can get within 300m of anybody and you must do so, if you must get a good hit, , cause you can't make him hold still, you cant always get a fully-exposed torso hit. People and things in the way can change a bullet's direction, so "shooting thru" is a good way to miss. You can't control weather conditions, or determine where or when you'll get the shot at some warlord type (shall we say) If you miss, it's certain that you'll never get another chance, cause his bodyguards will see to it. The odds are quite high that you will miss, if it's really cold, or the wind or mirage are active, if it's raining, dusty, etc and you try at more than 300m. All it takes is half a step, bending over, turning sideways, and hes' made you miss. Lots of time and places, you can't see over local obstructions, even with sitting. Standing, with a brace, is not nearly as precise as prone with a bipod. There's a reason what SWAT sniper shots average being 75m. Lots of such shots are 25m, cause they have to hit the head, past a hostage.

Last edited by satir; 12/05/19.