I agree with you kinda. I think during the great recessions we were not seeing those sorts of inflation numbers. but I was talking to my buddy and we both feel our cost of living has went up 15-20% in the last 3 years. that is not factoring in housing either for us as he and I have remained flat for that. I do think there are many things that aren't factored in the inflation numbers no doubt. I while back I saw a sporting goods ad from 1967, the interesting thing was YES all the prices were less. but in many cases I was pretty suprised at many things that weren't that much less. fishing reels for instance, they weren't that much less than now days. Other things were a lot less of course. I think manufacturing during the last 50 years has made things in many cases much cheaper and more efficient. but there are other things that have risen hugely.

So what do you do? instead of fighting inflation, do something that benefits from it. ie debt, in particular debt on real estate. The cost to build homes isn't going down, and you can leverage the inflation of the house through debt.