There are numerous issues involved here.
Problem solving is separating the issues,
deciding how to deal with them individually.

Then, looking at the links, and deciding if the plan needs changed

Cartels and druggies are two separate but linked problems.

We have had addicts and the "War on Drugs" for decades.
We have not had military forces operating on our border,
smuggling people and drugs in/our money and guns out.
Building power, subverting our neighboring government into
their puppet.

If it wasn't drug cartels, but Muslim or Communist forces, we
would have been fully engaged before 2009.

I'm hoping that we aren't just waiting.
But building Intel and target lists.
Could be, that in a month or three, over a few days or weeks,
The cartels will lose their heads.

And, #'s 2,3,4,5.....
Along with huge amounts of cash, product, and infrastructure.
Right now they are as security lax and lazy as they are going to get.
We can probably hurt them more by watching, passively, untill
we have little more to know.

If we attack them now, they will become much harder to find,

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!