Five days into the gun season and I still had a buck tag in my pocket and was just finishing up with morning chores and then meet some hunters at the cabin and make some drives. While I was opening up a gate to bring the tractor and feed mixer into a feed lot I looked up and saw a deer visible on a ridge skyline. After pulling the equipment thru and closing the gate, I stood and watched and saw it was a good buck slowly feeding on the ground, maybe acorns. I had an oh schidt moment, that deer is working his way closer and my rifle is in another tractor.

Left the tractor running and snuck over to the machine shed and grabbed my Savage 99 250-3000 and worked my way over to a corner of the barn. Took a rest on a fence board, cranked the Redfield up to 7 power and he looked to be about 200-225 yards as he entered a gooseberry thicket, when he cleared it broadside, I sent a 87 gr Speer Hot-Cor. He lurched forward and stumbled and rumbled down the side hill, cleared a fence and fell on his nose in a chopped corn field and never moved.

Fired up a loader tractor, loaded him in the bucket and hung him up in the machine shed to dress him out. The shot entered 1/2 way up behind the leg and busted the offside leg. It was amazing that he cleared the fence with three legs.

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