too late now, but in future, all men are insane, in the West, at least, to not get a vasectomy and put their assets into a NV corporation, kept a strict secret from everyone. do this before even DATING any women. Get a storage rental, have somebody else do it for you, or get a fake ID from the illegals hanging around Lowe's at 6 Am. Tell the NV attorney to never contact you. Leave a burner phone hidden in the storage , inside the cushion of an old chair, covered in old clothes, etc. use that phone to call him, but never from the storage. Never drive your car to the storage, the bitch might have a tracker on it. if you want kids someday, have them freeze some of your sperm. This will let an 18 year old have half a million $ by age 30 and you can then retire to the third world on your investments. and live large.

Last edited by satir; 12/07/19.