Yes same thing. Bank depth on one side is virtually level, maybe a foot of rise in 20 feet. The other side, which is where the channel mainly flows is more like one foot of rise in 3-4 feet. Not steep by any means. Had been a single lane dirt / gravel roadway since horse and buggy days.

The county will minimal maintenance grade it only after a very severe flood. Otherwise it’s up to the 4-5 landowners who use it to fix and maintain it. It has been a wet year and the ground is so saturated even an inch of rain will put the stream flow up in the cab of your truck. I’m not looking to fill the stream in or bridge it. I just want a solid bottom that won’t continue to get deeper. I’m ok with having to wait until after the rain runs off and down to get in or out. I just want something to be left there to drive on after it’s gone.