Alcohol is a food? GMAFB! laugh Its a poison that gets you high in small quantities but eventually will eat your liver and if you take it in the form of beer, fatten your ass.

You guys are missing the potential positive aspects of MJ. Smoking pot? That is so 20th century. In the future, the cool kids are going to be eating it and drinking it to get their buzz on, a buzz that comes with no toxicity, no hangover, and no calories. Additionally, people are going to use it medicinally as a pain killer and sleep aid, perhaps as an alternative to opioids. Heck, the dog and cat people are going to be feeding it to frisky and fido to help with their "separation anxiety" so their babies don't chew the house up while they are at work.

Am I interested in consuming it personally? No way! My drugs of choice are sugar and caffeine. As an investor, I wanna make money off it and see it as disruptive to the alcohol and pharma industry. It ain't gonna happen overnight but somebody is gonna make a boat load of money off it. I don't know at this point who that is going to be but I am keeping my eyes peeled.

Does this make me a bad person? You make think so but many of you are enjoying skyrocketing 401K's which have Altria, INbev, and Constellation in their portfolios, not to mention drug companies who are pumping America full of opioids.

Seeing this issue as only making life easier for potheads who break the law is somewhat reminds me of me way back in the day when I saw a Commodore 64 and saw it as a toy for children to play pong on. Legal pot ain't gonna be as big as the internet, but its gonna be big enough.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn