Originally Posted by 7mmbuster
I love the lights and decorations. I still watch the Christmas specials like Frosty The Snowman and Rudolph and The Grinch like I did when I was a kid! I especially love going to church and singing the songs celebrating the birth of Our Savior!...

This sounds like me. I would add that I like gifts, giving (and yes, receiving) - I even enjoy shopping for them and wrapping them. I love Christmas trees. I like having more people than normal who are willing to smile and return a greeting. I like snow. I love having the kids and grandkids around. I appreciate and hold dear the true meaning of Christmas, but I get sick and tired of people who decry the fun of secular Christmas.

Edited to add: I just do not see a cross as a symbol of Christmas. Easter, yes, but not Christmas; I don't see people putting up a star at Easter. To everything, there is a season.

Last edited by 5sdad; 12/12/19.

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.