Originally Posted by Gypsy_Wind
Current polling shows 34% support for Trump among black voters. SAcharlie, you realize that’s nearly 30% higher than the last couple cycles, don’t you?? DJT will walk back into the WH with a wider majority than he won his 1st term by.

A very small part of me wishes to understand what your issue is with him. You really never have crystallized an argument against him. His performance as president has been nothing short of stellar considering the headwinds he’s faced. I can understand you may not like his style but neither that nor anything Ukraine-related is impeachable and I feel like you can’t help but know that.

Your behavior, as well as paddlers, is that of petulant children. I despised President Obama’s policies and believed he attempted to subvert the constitution, and I could cite specifics all day long. The difference is most his opponents accepted his terms with civility. Trump’s opponents, you included, have no dignity whatsoever. I pity you.

I thought more like 38% vote and if they run ButheisGay it will be an epic beatdown by the Trumpster