Originally Posted by 5sdad
Small hometown didn't have any real snow removal equipment other than a grader. To get the snow off of the four blocks of Main Street, the town would pay farmers to come to town with tractors and loaders to clear it. It was always fun to watch them at work - all with heathousers. It made them some cash, and most of them were coming to town anyway to clear driveways for relatives and friends.

We don't get a lot of snow here, maybe a really big one every 5 years or so. We had a whopper of one though back in the late 70's, a real genuine blizzard that shut everything down for days because of the drifts over the roads.......6 to 10 feet in some places. The county and state had to hire some local farmers and contractors with loaders, and in a few instances, they made a bigger mess than good. One man had gotten his new car stuck in a drift, left it, and by morning, it was completely covered. Guy clearing the road with a dozer didn't see it in time, and mangled the snot out of it.