It’s interesting....there’s this continuum of attitude we have about new technology. Some mindlessly embrace it wholeheartedly while others dig their heels in and (just as mindlessly) say, “It’ll never work.”

If we examine the last couple of hundred years of technological advancement we see a lot of examples. Hell, cartridge firearms and smokeless powder weren’t widely accepted at first, and look at the early history of internal combustion powered automobiles. I’m not about to go out and buy an electric car, but I’ve no doubt I will if I live long enough. I’ve also no doubt my grandkids will be telling their grandkids stories about learning to drive with gasoline powered cars that you needed to know something beyond the name of your destination to operate.

Self driving vehicles are right around the corner. My guess is they’ll be able to run a lot faster than driver operated vehicles reducing congestion and making traffic jams a thing of the past.

We have so much of our identity wrapped up in the vehicles we drive that we will struggle desperately to retain the status quo, but eventually progress will triumph again.

Mathew 22: 37-39