FOX is the only one of the MSM outlets that I watch. Gave up on all the others in 2009. But as to the main topic, I wonder if the attraction for homeless bums and drug addicts is partially due to the climate. Besides all the freebies. Back in the mid 1970's I was talking to a homeless bum in Fresno, CA. ( San Joaquin valley) and he told me he came to CA. for the climate. Forgot where he was from but it was in the northern U.S. where bums have to deal with severe cold and snow. Said life was much easier now that he didn't have to endure those winters. Perhaps now with all the free stuff plus an easier to deal with climate those folks are flocking there. Give them a nice climate and all kinds of free stuff and then they wonder why so many go there? Sure beats losing part of your leg to frostbite after passing out under the bridge that you were living under like another guy I once knew that grew up in the same neighborhood as I. Never heard anything about him since then. Perhaps he's on the west coast now.