Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by rifletom
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by rifletom
Some valid points Seafire. But, who in your state hired the pony tails?

You're not getting it. It's not the state that does the hiring. It's a federal agency - the National Park Service.

To be fair though, I know personally a grand total of one National Parks ranger (also a socialist suffering from TDS) - and he was from New York.

I get it. So there are no Federal offices, no Federal management types in your state that oversees any of the hiring? Is that you're saying?

What I'm saying is that the federal facilities (national parks, national refuges, national monuments, etc) are staffed by people from all over, and possibly some of those people do the hiring. But not locals, unless you count someone who moved here within the last five years as a local. You can't blame the respective states for whatever goes on with the staffing and running of national parks. Additionally, although I'm sure it happens, I have never known a local who got one of those jobs in his or her own home state. In the facility up the road from me, I have dealt with the people there over the years, and not one of them has ever been from here. Mostly from the big cities.

Besides it's a state sport to make fun of Californians,

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne