Time moves on, perspectives change apparently. Compare events from days gone by and the results, to what happens to gangsters and hooligans today.



By today's standards he was a small time rookie. Billy served time, but those flagrantly flaunting local, state and/or federal law, oaths of office etc, seem to get a pass. He submitted testimony that LBJ was tied to the JFK assassination. It may make sense to snowflakes, but it makes my blood boil.

Ya, I'm thinking about the Clintoons, Obama, Epstein (may he rest in hell), their inner circle, associates and all the other criminals that get a walk today. Deal drugs? Slap on the wrist. Murder someone? 3-5 years w/early parole. Long history of felony arrests? Take a walk. Bilk a gazillion dollars under the guise of disaster relief? Nobody seems to care. Sell a large stake in uranium to one of our enemies? No big deal. Make many millions in the process....what fraud/collusion/abuse of office?

Their kind need to understand something. There's a storm coming. First sign will be a pale horse.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain