Kenneth, you should just hire Jeff.

As for grizzly bears, they're smart and pretty much adapted to hiding from people. Only if surprised in close quarters do they freak out, or during hunting season when they want to fight for your gutpile. Forest Service guy was killed mountain biking a couple of years ago, he downhilled right into an unknown bear. So the thing is to be alert, especially when things get thick. Make a little noise and their super-hearing will pick it up.

Biggest scare I ever had was in some brush along the Middle Fork, I was photographing trains, hiking for an angle and I locked eyes with a big bear that was just watching me. I said a cuss word, kept walking while looking off to the side of the bear until we couldn't see each other any more. You know that cold rush? Yep, I had one. Coming back down I jangled my keys enthusiastically, and there it was, a new pile of poo right on the trail.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.