Originally Posted by RockyRaab
True for some things, but not all. I love to DIY stuff, but when I have to buy a quart of something when I need an ounce - and the end product doesn't get used often enough to make subsequent batches, like bitters - it's wasteful and often substandard. No, I let the people who have perfected their recipe make it and sell it to me. Consistency, ease, economy, and accessibility beat the sometimes satisfying act of handiwork.

You make many great points and you are certainly not wrong on most of them... but bitters can be used for a lot more things than you realize. Around here a small bottle of bitters has a very short life. There are plenty more where the first came from though.

As to perfected recipes... I firmly believe Angostura bitters are mediocre at best. They also sell here for $12-15 for the small bottles. The fancier brands are higher. I also have a number of friends making sure I do not end up with too much inventory! (No, I am not selling it.) I understand your position.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.