Originally Posted by Pharmseller
I’m helping a friend write an obituary for her father and I want to get it right. He was an officer in the Green Berets. Her verbiage states “ He was in the Army Infantry, Special Forces, as a Green Beret.”

This doesn’t look right. What’s the proper way to identify his service?


While US Army Special Forces are known popularly as "Green Berets" they are more correctly known as a Special Forces Officer, Noncommisioned Officer (NCO) or Warrant Officer. You'd probably want to say along the lines of

"He served in the US Army as an Infantry officer where he was a Platoon Leader, Company Commander etc. After his Infantry time he joined the US Special Force where he served as a Operational Detachment Commander and Special Forces Company Commander etc."

Include any wartime service or special duties he did. If you can get hold of his OER it would help you put together a list of his awards and schools.