Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by slumlord
The VFW outside Ft Campbell, doesn’t have sanitary sewer. lol

They have a septic system with a slow perc soil. They’ve had some really bad surfacing issues behind the building. Pretty much, you’re better off pissing behind the dumpster to give the field lines a ‘rest’. You flush and ...there’s a “gurkle, gurkle, gurkle” audible from the back grassy lot.

Sometimes you have to wear Mucks if you want to do the turkey shoot back there.

Take a shît at home, they can’t handle any brown trout.

They can’t swing the $30k for the E-One grinder and 120ft bore under 5 lanes to catch the forcemain.


That's the one that's on the road going to the Sportsman Lodge and the riding stables isn't it. Lafayette Road, I believe?

If so, it's not much.


Have to roll up the windows while you’re at the light at Purple Heart Pkwy and Lafayette if you’re headed into the post.


Groundwater Protection doesn’t have to balls to slap a condemnation order on the front door. lol