I lived across the river and attended St Louis Univ. But that was a while ago; I graduated in 1969. I commuted, and the drive through East St Louis was harrowing. There was no interstate through it then, and I had to navigate surface streets. The Missouri side back then was a lot safer, but not every part of it. East was one big slum, literally.

Both sides of the river are and always have been Democrat strongholds. I was raised "D" but back then it meant being liberal in the original sense. That meant almost the opposite of what it means now. It stood for individual freedom and lack of enforced behavior. Ironic to the point of sick humor by today's "liberal" philosophy.

I left the entire area the day after graduation when I went to flight school. Have only been back once and having seen what has become of it, will never go back again.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.