Originally Posted by rong
While I know it's their ultimate goal to defeat DJT this fall,if I was a dem donating and supporting a candidate and the party squeezed them out 2x's (like what is going on with the Bern ),or they run a brokered convention and sneak the Hilldog in
I would seriously think of jumping ship.There just seems to be no common ground in that party other than somehow winning.

That's pretty much been the Democrats since George McGovern.

Hillary is my guess as the 2020 candidate in a brokered convention, followed by epic vote fraud and foreign interference. Keep 2A in the back of your mind.

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”