Namibia and Botswana are probably the most stable and safe countries in sub-Sahara Africa. My wife and I have spent several weeks a year for the past 15 years renting a car and self touring all over Namibia either before or after hunting there. I've taken a lot of people over hunting and sight seeing as well. With just a little common sense, we've never felt unsafe or threatened in any way at anytime. The locals have all been very friendly and helpful and respectful. Now, if you go out looking for trouble, you can find it but generally it doesn't come looking for you there. All told, I've spent just under 3 years in Namibia. A military acquaintance of mine, spent the better part of 20-years as a U.S. Military FAO/DATT working in multiple sub-Sahara countries and claimed Namibia was the absolute best kept secret on the planet. With all the time I've spent there I have to agree.

Regarding the SWAPO changes - I agree. NOTHING stays the same in Africa. Yes, there are a couple of political agitators trying to generate support for land/business grabs like occurred in ZIM and is occurring to some degree in RSA but, at this point it is NOT getting any traction. Mostly because the people saw what happened to ZIM, is happening in RSA and so far don't seem to be willing to climb aboard the wagon. Could that change? Sure, do I see it within the next 5-years? Doubtful. But TIA (This Is Africa) after all and all things do change in time, but so far things are pretty much limited to a couple of political agitators.

Botswana is another low vis gem. You've probably already read about my trips there last year and the upcoming trips this year. My wife and I intend to start exploring it this year as well. We're renting a vehicle and intend to do a 10-day self drive after we hunt with Gerhard in the Tuli Block. Just to give you an example. When Gerhard picked Bob and I up on our first trip there last June, Gerhard had the SUV loaded with all our luggage and rifle cases in the back. He had to make a stop at their version of Home Depot in Gaborone to get some "stuff". We got out and I offered to stay with the SUV while he and Bob went in, which was the "norm" in Namibia. Gerhard asked "why" and I said to make sure nothing gets stolen. He just smiled and chuckeled and said, "No, no my friend, this is Botswana. I could leave it here all day and all night and come back and NOTHING would be touched"!

Again, all things change, some for the better, some for the worse. I have seen Namibia change a LOT in the past 15 years. Tremendous housing and industrial development and roads all over. Cell phone service just about everywhere if you are within 20 miles of a charted road. Down side has been a HUGE influx of Chinese people, Chinese shops, businesses, money and influence. Even that might have a bit of a "stabilizing" effect on the govt grabbing land and foreign owned business.

Anyway....the Reader's Digest version of all that above is, go and go now or as soon as you can. Take your wife, you'll be with a local PH the entire time who knows "the ropes" and will make sure you both are very safe and well taken care of.