Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by Bristoe
My observation on the entire political scene is,....those 10's of thousands of people who turn out for a rally whenever Trump has one,.....those 10's of millions of people who voted for him,...are never going to consider the left legitimate,....regardless of who it elects.

The left let it's mask drop after Trump was elected. Its members of Congress are corrupt, its media is corrupt, and its judges are corrupt,..and the leftist people in America are either evil or too stupid to pay any attention to.

The people on the right now realize that the left is completely rotten and beyond redemption.

The evil of the left has split the country and it's never going to be unified again.

It will either Balkanize or cease to exist altogether.

Bingo. You've been had. You are exactly the target of his disinformation campaign.

Disinformation campaigns are what governments do best. The trick is to pick the disinformation campaign that will be the least costly to one's social strata.

The left came right out and told me that I was in the basket of deplorables.

According to the left, if you're not a minority, a man hating feminist, or some type of homo,..you're in the basket of deplorables.

Caucasians don't have a *real* representative party in America today. But if you're not a minority, a man hating feminist, or some kind of homo,..you're got to vote GOP.

The left doesn't want straight, white people and makes no bones about saying so..

I'm white. I'm a Democrat. Republicans and Trump have cornered the racist, misogynist, fearful, old white male demographic. You're in it.

You a homo?