Originally Posted by Tarquin

The guy just doesn't [bleep] learn....


Trump steps on his dick because he can. As opposed to the previous twink who could not step on it, but was fine with absorbing it.

And what you are linking to is not in any way “stepping on his dick”. He’s just roughing it up some before he breaks it off in the commie party again. I love how you people have gotten so good at snatching defeat from those jaws. You know, the ones you thought were victory, but found out belonged to the guy destroying your world. Right before he bit another giant chunk out of your asses.

It’s been so comical, and just keeps getting better. I sit here wishing he’d just quit toying with you’uns, and then he makes me laugh my azz off again. But, I still ain’t tired of winning. First we get to laugh at y’all. and then, perhaps pity would be in order. Don’t expect any, however, because I hate commies with the heat of the sun and the cold of Antarctica. Ran out of any pity for y’all when you messed around and tried to destroy my country. Now you’ve messed with the bull, and I will find it gratifying and amusing when you so get the horns. Good and hard.