Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Fireball2: Now you get right on down to it "threesome" - don't you!
I had not thought of that particular mode of transportation til you mentioned it!
I did, though, have individual "day-dreams" regarding those two.
I wonder what their "ethnicity" is?
On second thought - it doesn't matter.
Good for those two - I hope they live long and happy lives!
Which brings another thought to mind and may indeed be a good topic for another day around the CampFire - that being "isn't life easier if you are a beauty" - as compared to the very hard life I have had to live.
Oh well.
Hold into the wind

VG, notice the mom says she is looking for the stress free life. Yeah, well, that's a whole bunch easier when you're a good looking single female and willing to *work* for it

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack