
Thanks for joining and posting here. I read the article and it was helpful in understanding why and what changed. Some thoughts for your consideration.

First - "Constructive feedback is welcome." Well this is the fire and folks here say pretty much what they want to say. No one person here has control over what other folks say/think here. Arguing with folks here is a waste of time. So you are just going to have to filter through the comments and decide what you think is helpful.

I see from the article that one can still use the classic version of your site.


How long will it be available? If you are willing to keep it functional and give folks an easy way to keep using it this would go a long way towards keeping us old timers happy.

I see that a better mobile experience was a key part of the re-design motivation. I get that because more and more people - esp. the younger folks use their phone as the primary interface. Not me and not a lot of folks on the fire. Those youngsters are the future and we are not. OTOH please remember that it was us oldsters who made your site successful.

Everyone Else - FYI - I read the article linked in Mike's post. It's short and to the point. We may not like the new look but at least according to the article they plan to improve it in time.