Originally Posted by callnum
Boomers are funny.

And desperate.

Millennials aren’t...Funny!

I’m XGen. I didn’t stand on the shoulders of others. I made my own way through life making, money, mistakes, learning from others, making more money, not having kids - figured there’s enough population without me adding to it.

I never considered who fücked up before me, I guess, it didn’t matter anyway, I was responsible for myself and making a life for me, and eventually my wife. Probably too busy making my life to blame a previous generation for anything.

Homes, cars/trucks, guns, toys, clothes, food, whatever else God or man made is available if a person makes a decision to go for it, knowing life mistakes are going to happen that set a person back, or make it hard to start, that is, unless someone gifted you a silver spoon in your mouth...Life is a work or art, and you’re your own artist.

Why you bitch about the mural you are painting is beyond all of us...If you don’t like it, repaint it. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”