But….but…but there was an article this morning quoting scientists, working around the world, who claimed their findings proved 100% the genome was not “man made”…no possible way it was a bio-weapon created in a lab, and the virus started in animals and was transmitted from animal to humans.


“The study believes that patient zero transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market.”

"The belief that the outbreak began there (likely, after spreading from a bat to an animal sold there) has been widely supported by many top epidemiologists, doctors, national security experts and government officials. The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and European Center for Disease Prevention and Control have all published evidence supporting this theory."

Scientists….such an honorable profession with unquestionable integrity. They will save mother urth from GLOWBULL WARMING ™…and us from this virus. /s

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 02/22/20.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)