Originally Posted by gnoahhh
We're all new at something sooner or later. Here's my beginner's question:

I and another old Campfire Denizen are prepping to engage in smallbore 100 and 200 yard bench competition. The twist is that it's under the auspices of the ASSRA single shot discipline. Rifle, scope, spotting scope, and ammo is covered- at least we know what we're getting into in that respect ( a pair of BSA Martini target rifles, etc.). What I never dealt with are wind flags. I know that they are critical in this game and would like to make a handful but don't wish to try to re-invent the wheel here. Any suggestions?

That 3/4" 25-ring at 100, and 1 1/2" 25 ring at 200 is mighty daunting if even a whisp of a breeze is blowing....

Gnoahh, have you got your game ready or did you already shoot the match?