Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I think you’d enjoy the full immersion (pun intended) Somalia at Sea tour. You’ll take a smaller boat out to a mother ship and get refueled and provisioned and then get the opportunity to board a larger ship while it’s underway. Usually the large ship is a freighter but occasionally you’ll come across a frigate or guided missile destroyer.

It’s a real taste of Somalia very different from the usual tours and a chance to meet real Somalians.

Good luck, have fun and maybe you and Tarkio could meet in North Korea, post trip reports to the campfire (I hear their internet is blazing fast) after you guys finish your vacations....he’ll be in Dagestan so North Korea is a good halfway point to meet. 😂

Sorry I just couldn’t resist. 😁

Enjoy whatever you decide and safe travels. 👍
Most people never get to hear an incoming round. All they hear is the boring 'bang' from the breech end.

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.