Billy Goat Gruff. I can see that point. Perhaps I wrote as I was thinking............letting the words simply go onto the page as I thought them.......and if I came across badly and in a sweeping way, to make it seem as if I meant 100% of the cops I would have to apologize. My intent is to bring focus on the fact that cops need to bust bad cops and NEVER turn a blind eye and NEVER sweep it under the rug. In doing that the trust of thousands of citizens is destroyed and that makes the job a whole lot harder to do when the other cops are trying to target REAL bad guys. Those that ACTUALLY deprive others of life liberty or property.

My post that cops should have to face the same fines and imprisonment as others X3 is meant to bring attention to the fact that when a cop does this, it's a far more horrendous crime then when any regular citizen does it because the cops have a public trust and are assumed to know laws if they are going to enforce them. Scum-bags in our society are close to the bottom-- but a dirty cop is SWORN and is not only committing a crime when he does, but is also accepting pay from the citizens he's sworn to. He is far worse then "regular' crooks. The only creatures that can be lower then a bad cop is a bad judge.

If cops were to clean up their own departments and keep them that way for a few years the bad memories would fade away and most regular citizens would once again see a cop as someone they want to have around. And that doesn't come from the top down. That comes from the rank and file up! THAT'S the point I am making.

So I would hope all patriotic citizens and all good cops would see the wisdom in cultivating the public's trust and RESPECT again. They do that by going after bad cop with more effort then they would go after any other crook. Because without public trust there is no honor in the job. When honor is restored massive respect come all by itself.