Country Music is not dead.

#1 Granddaughter, the Mooselette, told me over the weekend that she like country music better than anything. That's odd, because I don't think either her father or mother listen to it. She just found it on her own.

We were out in the truck, riding into Falmouth for plumbing parts when she made the announcement. Right away I switched playlists-- Man of Constant Sorrow was the first to come on. She has a definite preference: Bluegrass tops Texas Swing and Zydeco and Contemporary Country. We didn't get too far into Classic Country or Cowboy.

Go figure. #1 son got turned on to Rockabilly and Little Richard. #2 found Led Zep and Pink Floyd. #3 -- bagpipes and Bluegrass.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer