When I started working with stocks and the installation of fore end tip, the recommended method was to drill holes into the stock and the tip and glue the tip into place using hard wood dowels in those holes. As I recall there was not any epoxy glues back then. (In fact the first gunsmithing book I bought discussed making glue from horse hoofs, if I recall correctly. Though I never did that. ha ha)

My last fore end tip installation, the faces of the tip and stock were ground concave a strong epoxy was used. So far it seems to hold fine, but I have not shot the rifle since I the installation of the tip. I have three more rifles ready to add grip caps and tips. and I'd avoid using the dowels if they are not needed.

With the strength of the glues we have now, is it still the recommended method to drill and add dowels, or is that not needed using epoxy?



I prefer classic.
Semper Fi
I used to run with the hare. Now I'm envious of the tortoise and I do my own stunts but rarely intentionally