The show feels like it's written by women these days, everything is all about touchy-feely, not the bad assery and regular people growing into bad asses that made the show so popular in the first place.

But even that I can overlook. The thing that annoys the hell out of me is that, tactically speaking, these people are complete freakin' idiots. A moderately intelligent troop of girl scouts could outmaneuver and outfight them. They never have an advance guard or flank security, not even someone on point. They just walk around in a big mob all la-de-da out in the middle of open fields, they drive right up to roadblocks like "oh, duh, what could this be? Let's all bunch up around it.". They've fallen into ambush after ambush that could have been easily avoided by even one person out scouting 50-75 yards ahead, and they do it over and over and over and over.

I'd believe a real zombie apocalypse could happen before I'll believe that these total idiots actually survived 6 or 9 years with so many people looking to kill them.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!