Originally Posted by lastround
What I think is that China designed this virus and released it on the world to accomplish exactly what it has done: create panic and destroy the world economy. China doesn’t like having to deal with Trump, and figures this chaos will help get him out of office. The Dems and MSM are playing right along.

One things is certain, China had a motive to lie about the level of deaths and infection rates. For China to do what they have done speaks loudly as to what their leadership represents. Last week, when I saw a class action suit had been filed against China, I thought it would have little chance of succeeding. I now believe China will be held liable to the tunes of trillions of dollars.

Maybe the US will tell China that we are canceling any all US debt held by them.

The bigger issue is that the most of the modeling for rate of infection and loss of life was based on bad information from China and the Chinese knew this and did not warn the western countries that their modeling was flawed.

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